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Wesley Tang

Resident Cello Faculty

Quick Facts:


-Appeared as Principal Cellist of prestigious Asian Youth Orchestra, Hong Kong Youth Symphony Orchestra, CUHK Chung Chi Orchestra, HKJCE & HKJCO of Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts.

-Performed around the globe, collaborating with violinist Vadim Rapin, violinist Sarah Chang, violinist Jan Mráček and pianist Gerhard Oppitz, and the legendary Yo-Yo Ma.

- Appeared in world-renowned major festivals, such as the Lucerne Festival, Young Euro Classic, the Merano Festival, the Ravello Festival, the Festival de Santander and the Quincena
Musical de San Sebastián.

-Prizewinner of  local competitions and scholarships.

My Story

Wesley Tang

Born in Hong Kong, cellist Chor-Yin Wesley Tang is an active soloist, chamber musician and orchestral player. His involvement in the orchestra includes being the principal cellist of Hong Kong Youth Symphony Orchestra, Hong Kong Junior Chamber Ensemble, Hong Kong Junior Chamber Orchestra in the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and Chung Chi Orchestra, CUHK.


In 2017, Tang toured around Asia, the United States and Europe as the principal cellist of the Asian Youth Orchestra under Maestro James Judd, Maestro Matthias Bamert and Maestro Richard Pontzious, collaborating with world-class musicians such as violinist Vadim Rapin, violinist Sarah Chang, violinist Jan Mráček and pianist Gerhard Oppitz and performing in world-renowned major festivals, such as the Lucerne Festival, Young Euro Classic, the Merano Festival, the Ravello Festival, the Festival de Santander and the Quincena Musical de San Sebastián.


As a graduate from Diocesan Boys’ School, Tang took part in the school’s Secondary Orchestra and Senior Strings. Tang also won various prizes from the Hong Kong School Music Festival, including Cello Concerto and Cello Sonata.

From 2010 to 2015, Tang was a student of Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts Junior Program, and is currently studying under Professor Ray Wang. He had also received masterclasses from world-renowned cellists such as Trey Lee, Jean-Guihen Queyras, Professor Chu Yibing and had received coaching from Rhonda Rider and Anna Kwan during his time at the Asian Youth Orchestra.


Tang joined the Youth Music Culture Guangdong (YMCG) Festival in Guangzhou, China in 2019, in which he collaborated with the world-renowned cellist Yo-Yo Ma.

鄧楚賢生於香港,為活躍的獨奏家、室樂和管弦演奏家。其樂團經驗包括擔任香港青年交響樂團、香港少年室樂團、香港演藝學院青少年室樂團及香港中文大學崇基管弦樂團的首席大提琴手。此外,其於2017年以首席大提琴身分隨亞洲青年管弦樂團巡迴亞洲、美國及歐洲演出,期間於多位傑出音樂家合作,包括指揮巴默特 (Matthias Bamert)、指揮朱特(James Judd)、指揮龐信 (Richard Pontzious)、小提琴家列賓 (Vadim Repin)、小提琴家張永宙 (Sarah Chang)、小
提琴家莫拉切克 (Jan Mráček) 和鋼琴家歐匹茲 (Gerhard Oppitz) 等,並在多個世界知名的音樂節演出,如:琉森音樂節、歐洲青年古典音樂節、梅拉諾音樂節、拉維諾音樂節、桑坦德國際藝術節、聖塞巴斯坦的欽塞納音樂節。畢業於拔萃男書院,他在中學期間參與學校管弦樂團及高級弦樂團。此外,其曾在香港校際音樂節屢獲殊榮,包括在大提琴協奏曲和奏鳴曲組別獲獎。鄧楚賢從2010年至2015年修讀香港演藝學院青少年課程,師承王磊教授。其亦曾參與朱亦兵教授、李垂誼及凱拉斯的大師班,並在亞洲青年管弦樂團中受到Rhonda Rider與關統安導師的點撥。他於2019年參與位於中國廣州的廣東國際青年音樂週,與世界知名大提琴家馬友友合作。


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