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Dr. Prudence Poon

Head of Keyboard and Accompaniment

Quick Facts:


-DMA,  Indiana University Jacobs School of Music; MMus New England Conservatory; BMus, Oberlin Conservatory; served as teaching staff and accompanist in all of the above institutions.

-Performed around the globe as a soloist, chamber musician and collaborative pianist, collaborating with top artists.

- Winner of prestigious international piano competitions and scholarships.

My Story

Dr. Prudence Poon

Hong Kong-born pianist Dr. Prudence Poon has studied piano since age 3 and made her first orchestral debut with the Hong Kong Metropolitan Youth Orchestra at age 10. Dr. Poon has been keenly participating in competitions and festivals, and was awarded prizes in numerous competitions, including an Honorable Mention and the Audience Prize in the 70th Wideman International Piano Competition, Piano Division Runner Up in the 2022 Naftzger Young Artists Auditions, Melvin Stecher and Norman Horowitz Prize in the 8th New York International Piano Competition etc. She has also received prestigious awards and
scholarships from organizations such as The Bernard Van Zuiden Music Fund and Irving & Lena Lo (ILLO) Scholarship Fund.

As an avid chamber musician and educator, Dr. Poon has worked as an Accompanist at Oberlin Conservatory, the New England Conservatory Preparatory School & School of Continuing Education. During her studies at Indiana University, she served as an Assistant Instructor and Program Assistant of the Secondary Piano Program at Indiana University. She was also invited to be one of the piano instructors at 2023 Edward Auer Piano Workshop, providing solo and chamber lessons to dedicated pianists.

After studies with Nancy Loo and Yim Wan in Hong Kong, she earned her Bachelor of Music degree in Piano Performance and Vocal Accompanying at Oberlin Conservatory under the tutelage of Robert Shannon and Philip Highfill. During her senior year there, she was awarded the Louis Sudler Prize in the Arts, a distinction awarded only once every five years, to a graduating senior who has performed with uncommon distinction in music performance.

As a Dean's Scholarship and Tan Family Foundation Scholarship recipient, she graduated from New England Conservatory’s Masters of Music program, with HaeSun Paik.

In 2024, Dr. Poon graduated from Indiana University Jacobs School of Music with a Doctor of Music
degree, majoring in Music Literature and Piano Performance with

香港鋼琴家潘曉盈博士從三歲開始跟隨母親學習鋼琴,六歲入讀香港演藝學院青少年音樂課程,十歲以獨奏者身份參與香港青少年管弦樂團演出。曾參與許多本港音樂比賽,並獲獎無數,包括青年傑出鋼琴獎、通利琴行獎學金第一名等等。在 2012 年,她考獲英國皇家音樂學院高級演奏文憑(LRSM) 特別優秀成績,因而獲邀為學院文憑頒授典禮(香港及澳門)表演嘉賓之一。潘氏於 2023 年獲得誼樂社年輕音樂家招募的決賽入圍獎。

潘氏亦踴躍參與海外鋼琴比賽及演出,包括有 Wideman International Competition, The Thomas & Evon Cooper International Competition,8th New York International Piano Competition 等等。她曾受邀到紐約、波士頓、克里夫蘭等各地大型音樂廳演出。她先後師承香港著名鋼琴家羅乃新及閻韻、美國資深鋼琴教育家 Robert Shannon、韓國著名鋼琴家白惠善及義大利鋼琴演奏家 Roberto Plano,亦曾接受 Katarzyna Popowa-Zydroń、格拉夫曼、郎朗等大師的指導。

除了比賽及演出外,潘氏亦熱心教學。不但在美國印第安那大學擔任鋼琴課程助教, 亦是 2023 Edward Auer Summer Workshop 的鋼琴導師之一。潘氏先從歐柏林音樂學院獲取音樂學士學位,雙主修鋼琴及聲樂伴奏。隨後榮獲香港萬瑞庭音樂獎學金於波士頓新英格蘭音樂學院修讀碩士課程,並於其附屬青少年及兒童課程擔任伴奏,擁有豐富室內樂和伴奏經驗。緊接於美國印第安那大學獲取鋼琴音樂博士課程,主修鋼琴演奏及音樂文學,並副修音樂教育。她於博士生資格考試中優秀的表現,獲得顧問評審團一致的特別嘉許。潘氏在學期間曾獲頒多項獎學金和殊榮,主要包括 Louis Sudler Prize in the Arts、Tan Family Foundation Scholarship、Irving & Lena Lo Fellowship。


Campus Address:

26/F, Wing Sing Commercial Building, 2-4 Wing Sing Lane, Yau Ma Tei, Hong Kong

(Yau Ma Tei Station Exit C, 1 min walk)


(+852) 98553158

© 2021 by Cellosophy Academy 

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